Our Partners

Our Services

Turbo Chargers
We are leaders in Turbo Chargers Sales & Services for Tel Turbo, Garret, Holset.

Bosch Fuel System
We are leaders in Fuel Injection Services & Repairs for Bosch, Delphi, Denso, Cummins.

Piezo Injectors
We work with Worlds Top Brands like VDO, Bosch and Continental Piezo System.

Cummins BS 4 & 6
We are Athorised for Turbo,Emissions &Fuel System. Genuine parts & Athorized Service helps your products perform their best.
We Provide the Best Service in Industry
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Our Happy Clients!
They Say your Happy Clients are your Biggest Marketing, and here we rock
The most professional and Quick Service.

Andria Aswale
Toyota Innova
They have been Super Helpful and been Giving Utmost Care in their work

Vaaiibhav Vaidya
Mahindra XUV500
Our Awards
